Sunday, April 3, 2011

haiku #9/"crafty cats"

people always tell
me i have an honest face.
little do they know.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

"Just A Little Ditty"

yesterday i attended training for my company's latest technology. it involves touch screen computers and relearning all i know. i have worked for my company six years and six months which when approximately estimated comes to one thousand seven hundred eighty nine days. during my training, my first session of many, i sat in front of a computer. a woman spoke to me through a speaker of the changes that will take place. the first is the elimination of paper. i pondered if i'll miss it. i do enjoy my handwriting. my thoughts then turned to the inventors of the all great office supplies i may soon no longer use. i wonder how these men and women feel about their creations' future and potentially permanent irrelevance. "are you there?" the woman asked.